July 14, 2008


On the July 7th blog, I told about us setting off the two huge firecracker bombs in Patzún. Jayme filmed the explosion of the second bomb. Watch this to the end and enjoy!

July 13, 2008 Post #2 - The Caminata

Ken arrived home from Patzún last night. He had been there since Wednesday. Yesterday he went with about 40-45 people (all ages) from the church as they walked from Patzún to Iximche - a little over a two-hour walk. Iximche is the ancient capital of the Kakchiquel nation which is in ruins now. Here are pictures of the event. You can tell they had a good time. Wish Jayme and I could have gone.

Part of the walk was rather muddy.

Most of the women and girls donned pants and t-shirts for the day.
They usually wear their native dress.

Enjoying the ruins

Even the adults joined in the games.

Cooking lunch

Heating the tortillas

Yummy lunch

A time to talk with friends.

The ever-present soccer game

Jump rope anyone???

It was a long day. I think they're tired.

The ride back home in the backs of three trucks

Sunday, July 13, 2008 Post #1

Happy birthday to Keith S, Brock H. and Ron K. today, and of course, Daddy, your birthday is tomorrow. Happy 83rd!

Our church in the capital is emphasizing discipleship this year. Today was really exciting. Besides having the sermon on Jesus' example of discipling, we had 2 baby dedications, and 6 baptisms!!!

I also thought I would show you some of my flowers that have been blooming this spring and summer. They're beautiful.

I'll show my orchids soon!

July 7, 2008 HUGE Firecrackers

I hope all of you in the good ol' U.S.A. had a great time celebrating Independence Day this past weekend. Here in Guatemala of course, July 4th is just another day. Guatemalans LOVE to set off firecracker any day of the year - for birthdays, anniversaries, etc. -- or just because. (In years past, there were no pretty ones, but now especially on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, we can see a lot of pretty ones light up the sky.) Today Ken, Jayme and I were in Patzún. Ken and Jayme entertained the four interns and the church people by setting off two BIG 'bombas' (LARGE firecracker 'bombs' that each had a pound of gun powder in them.) They are the biggest ones we've seen. Anyway, they made a BIG boom and a BIG mess, but everyone enjoyed them. I think the interns won't forget today's excitement. If the pictures came out nicely, I'll post one. (Ken is still in Patzún, and he has the camera.)