January 18, 2008, Praise the Lord!

This past week has been full. Ken has made three trips to Patzún. On Saturday I went with him, along with the Foote family. With some national brothers, they started working on the floors in the new classroom and the open, central area. The floors were finished on Wednesday. Praise the Lord!

Danny and the boys preparing the ground before pouring cement

Isaac helping Ken fix a wobbly table

The Coy family was gracious to provide lunch for all of us in their home. Praise the Lord for this family!

The Coys

Ministerios Alfa y Omega ended last year in the black! Praise the Lord!

Colegio Alfa y Omega started its new school year on Tues. There are 69-70 total students this year. That is quite an increase from last year's 35 students! Praise the Lord!

On Monday, my good friend from the craft group, Ginita, was hospitalized. She was confused. She didn't know where she was, that her daughter had moved to El Salvador (back in Feb.) nor who the president was. After several extensive tests, the doctors have determined that she probably had what we would call a "TIA" - a little mini stroke. I went Wed. night along with some of the other ladies from the craft group to visit her. She looked great and was talking and laughing with us. She was to come home from the hospital yesterday. Praise the Lord!

Zach was an intern in Patzún for 10 days. (He returned to the U.S. yesterday.) Ken brought him in from Patzún and I fed them lunch, before Zach left. He really enjoyed everyone and told Ken that his time in Patzún couldn't have been better! Praise the Lord!


Ken made another trip to Patzún today, but, Lord willing, will be back home in time for guests to come for supper. The Lord has kept him safe during all his trips out of the capital. Praise the Lord!

January 8, 2008

We are greatly saddened today because a very dear friend of ours was killed in an accident yesterday. We have worked with Pastor Urbano Lorenzo from Tajamulco, Guatemala, for over 10 years. He called Ken a couple of weeks ago and personally invited us to their church's anniversary at the end of this month. He has been at the same church for 20 years. That is VERY unusual for Guatemala. He also traveled a lot being a pastor for quite a few other congregations. He was truly a servant. Would you please pray for Urbano's family? I know they must be really hurting right now. He left a wife and at least 5 children.

Ken took a new intern to Patzún yesterday afternoon and after he left, I got the call telling us about Urbano's home-going. Ken had to return home last night instead of going on to Tajamulco today from Patzun, because the car he was driving would not make it there on the harsh roads. He left this morning from home, driving the Trooper. He wants to be there for the funeral, and here in Guatemala, burials are within 24 hours. Please pray for safety for Ken.

January 1, 2008

Happy New Year - 2008!

We are starting another year in which to do our best to serve our Lord. Perhaps He will return for His own this year! Wouldn't that be WONDERFUL?

Jayme left this morning to go back to school. Her winter, short-term class begins on Thurs., Jan. 3. She will be taking a class where she will be making her own 16 ft. kayak! How's that for fun? She had thought about staying home this January, but when she found out that the kayak class was going to be taught this year, she decided (along our encouragement) to go back for it. We are, of course, missing her today very much. Does it ever get any easier to have your kids leave?

We 'brought in the new year' last night (early this morning??) with some great Guatemalan friends, the Montes. (We went to their home on Christmas Eve too.) At midnight on Christmas Eve and again at midnight on New Year's Eve thousands of firecrackers and pretty fireworks are displayed throughout Guatemala. If you didn't know it, you would think you were in a war zone. The pretty fireworks have only been around for three or four years here. They are a welcomed sight. (Guatemalans light LARGE strings of firecrackers at once, making a long and loud set of bangs!)

Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day. A new CAM missionary family - the Conners - are arriving! They are from my home town of Tulsa, Oklahoma. In fact, Dr. John Conner has been the pastor of Memorial Bible Church (where my parent's attend) for the last 25 years. We are elated that they are going to be serving the Lord here in Guatemala.