August 31, 2008

Jayme is on her way to Ireland! She left Guatemala on Monday (Aug. 25) to fly to Pittsburgh to spend a few days with Erin, Scott and Isaiah before leaving for Ireland. Her friend James surprised her with a visit from Thurs. until today. Thanks James. She left Pittsburgh this afternoon and will arrive in Ireland tomorrow morning. Please pray for her in these next few months as she studies during the fall semester at the University of Limerick. Pray that she will find good friends and a good church to attend.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

We have been enjoyably busy with Jayme here for the summer. Also, our good friends, Colton and Susan - from Canada - came to visit for 10 days. We took them to the airport early this morning, and they are in the air returning home now as I type. Thanks guys, for coming to visit us. We really enjoyed having you here and spent some happy times together.

A note about the water meter. It still hasn't been installed. Ken changed his plans so that he could be here at home for the men to install the new meter. After waiting two days we had to go about our daily lives, and weren't here every minute. (We were told that it would be installed within 24 hours!) Ken will have to go to the water company and set up another appointment for the men to come. Hopefully they will arrive on time and install the meter correctly.

A friend from Dallas came down on a mission trip and stayed a few extra days to attend a Bible dedication here in Guatemala. Ken drove to the town of Nebaj (6-7 hours away) for the dedication of the New Testament in the Ixil, Indian language. How exciting that these people now have part of the Bible in the languge that they speak and understand.

Jayme, Ken and fellow missionary Steve Sywulka climbed the volcano Pacaya again. They didn't see the rivers of lava like they saw in December, but they still enjoyed their time and were able to see some interesting sights.

Back in July, a small group of 4 people came from Tulsa, to teach Bible in Patzún's Alfa y Omega school and in a public school in town. The classes were well received. Also, two of the men taught in special, evening meetings at the church. These classes were well attended, and the people have asked that the 'gringos' return. Lord willing they will. We praise the Lord for the Biblical truths that were taught that week. Sorry, but my pictures of the week didn't turn out very well.

August 6, 2008 The Water Meter Saga

Daily living in Guatemala can sometimes be a challenge, to say the least. Ken has been busy the last several days trying to get our water meter changed (mandated by the water company). He first made a trip to the water company offices to find out exactly what was needed. They told him the water meter to buy. He then went to the plumbing supply house to put in his order, but the person who has to register the meter number on the receipt was in a meeting until 4:30 p.m. Ken returned after 4:30, but she was still in the meeting. Someone called her out of the meeting; Ken paid the $50 for the meter, then she registered the meter number. By this time, it was too late to return to the water company, so he had to wait until today to go back there. This morning he took his meter and the receipt and went to the water company again, but the parking spaces were filled, so he returned home. A few hours later he headed back. When he arrived, he was asked for the receipt so they could check the registration number – to make sure his new meter was not stolen. We are now waiting for the water company workmen to show up at our house to install the new meter. We hope they come today like Ken was told. Who would have thought it would take so long, and so many trips to get a meter installed? (Sometime ask us about the plate, pin and screws Ken had to buy when I broke my leg!) Here’s the infamous meter.

August 1, 2008 Orchids

Last month I promised pictures of our orchids. Aren't they beautiful? Unfortunately, they have finished blooming for now, but I can still enjoy them by looking at the pictures.

Okay, okay. So these aren't orchids. They were in our yard earlier this year; I thought they were pretty and that you might enjoy them.

Jacobean Lily

Nazareño -(our version of Wisteria)


Pitaya Flower
Pitaya is a cactus we have growing on our wall. Here's a picture of the outside of the fruit, then the inside. It looks and tastes like kiwi. (Well, the color is obviously different!) We love it.