December 14, 2009

Again, obviously I haven't been able to post anything for a long time. I flew back up to Tulsa in early October to stay with my parents. Daddy seemed to be getting better, although I had to take him to the emergency room twice during the couple of weeks I was there alone. Ken joined me in mid October. We attended a mission conference and packed more things. Then on Nov. 1, we drove Mother and Daddy to Alabama to live with my youngest sister, Becky and her husband. Ken and I returned to Tulsa to paint Daddy's office and to clean out the garage. (We were able to finish the painting, and Ken did a great job on the garage, but wasn't able to completely clean it out.) Daddy wasn't doing well, so we headed back to Alabama a few days earlier than expected. After several doctor's appointments and test, the doctor has decided that Daddy has pancreatic cancer. He is now at home at Becky's. We thank the Lord that my siblings have been able to all be in Alabama to help with Daddy's care, and to support Mother.

Ken and I drove up to Kentucky last weekend to attend a wedding shower for Jayme and James, given by their church. (The first shower we've been able to attend for any of our kids.) We then returned to Alabama until this Saturday when we drove back to Berea. Yesterday afternoon, Jayme graduated from Berea College! Her degree is a Bachelor of Science in Technology and Industrial Arts with a double minor in Spanish and Business. She graduated with honors! We are very proud of her. Although the graduation ceremony was yesterday, she still has finals this week. (Strange, isn't it?) She had a paper due today, and has a final tomorrow and another one on Wed. (Drew, Rachel and kids went to the graduation too. My picture of the whole family didn't turn out well.)

In Alabama, I baked the bride's and groom's wedding cakes and froze them. Tomorrow evening I will get them out of the freezer so that on Wed., I can begin to decorate them. (My mother is actually the cake decorator, but since Daddy is so ill, she isn't able to come to the wedding. So...I'm doing the cakes.)

The radio station in Patzun has a new tower!!! We received these pictures today. How exciting that they will be able to transmit the Good News further away.