April 13 -- Happy Birthday, Ken

Our church here in Patzun gave Ken a surprise birthday celebration today.
It was a very special time.

The church ready for the celebration - complete with pine needles to give a festive aroma

Women preparing the special meal

(Tortilla dough boiled in corn husks)

The service

Everyone stood in line to congratulate Ken.

Enjoying the meal after-wards - without the use of a spoon!
(The tamalito wasn't much help with all the sauce.)

The Patzuneros were more adept at eating with tamalitos than the three North Americans! However, a few asked if they could borrow some of our spoons so that the young children could eat. (The church does not have flatware. Actually, that would be a good project for someone to help with --- flatware for Alfa y Omega.)

the youngest attendee (2 months)

Happy Easter - Resurrection Day

We hope you are having a wonderful weekend remembering our Lord's death (His taking our place - the punishment for our sins) and celebrating His resurrection, conquering death and giving us an eternal hope.

He is Risen! He is Risen, indeed!

Ken went by the radio station this morning and took this picture. It is of the construction of the two new rooms to be used for a control room and studio.
The three rooms on the left are the guard's room (where 5 people live!) the temporary control room (will eventually be another room for the guard's family) and the transmitter room.

I goofed! The March 13th post is below the Jan. 30-Feb. 12th post. I tried to switch them around, but 'it' wouldn't let me. So... don't miss the March 13th post.