March 14 - 20, 2008 - Raymer Visit

Lake Ridge Bible Church pastor Roger Raymer, and his wife Judy came down to visit us during part of Semana Santa (Holy Week). We took them to see different ministries and sites here in Guatemala City (Seteca {Seminary} Radio TGN, the Relief Map, the National Cemetery and the National Palace. (We didn't go inside the palace.) On Sunday we took them to PatzĂșn so they could attend church there. Monday morning, Alfa Y Omega school had an Easter party for the
elementary kids. Roger and Judy passed out some candy to the children.Monday afternoon we drove on to San Marcos, spending the night there, before going on to Tuililen to visit Urbano's widow, Catalina, and one of his daughters, Susena. It was really nice to be able to visit with them. Ken encouraged Catalina to get involved with mentoring younger women. Some other stops on our way were Comitancillo, and the Mam Center near there. The care-taker's family at the center was very excited to have us visit.

We made one stop along the highway for Ken to take pictures of some interesting rock formations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you!!!! 1000 times!!!