July 13, 2008 Post #2 - The Caminata

Ken arrived home from Patzún last night. He had been there since Wednesday. Yesterday he went with about 40-45 people (all ages) from the church as they walked from Patzún to Iximche - a little over a two-hour walk. Iximche is the ancient capital of the Kakchiquel nation which is in ruins now. Here are pictures of the event. You can tell they had a good time. Wish Jayme and I could have gone.

Part of the walk was rather muddy.

Most of the women and girls donned pants and t-shirts for the day.
They usually wear their native dress.

Enjoying the ruins

Even the adults joined in the games.

Cooking lunch

Heating the tortillas

Yummy lunch

A time to talk with friends.

The ever-present soccer game

Jump rope anyone???

It was a long day. I think they're tired.

The ride back home in the backs of three trucks

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