Grandson #3 - Josiah Scott made his appearance into this world at 12:24 p.m. on November 16, 2009 (6 days before the due date). He weighed 7 lb., 7 oz. and was 20 1/2 inches long. His proud parents are Scott and Erin Kemp (our daughter). We praise God for this miracle of life, and for his giving us Josiah on loan. Erin was in labor for 31 hours. Josiah had a bilirubin problem for the first week, so had to be wrapped in a flexible fiber optic 'light blanket'. Both Erin and Josiah are doing fine now. So far, Isaiah is adjusting well to being a big brother.
Josiah was the talk of the hospital nursery (along with everyone who sees him) because of his hair. It is light brown with seemingly bleached tips! It is quite the hairdo - the surfer look- in Pennsylvania, no less!
The Scott Kemp family
How precious he is! What a sweet family...congratulations to all....
great pictures! glad to see the new little one. by the way the iced tips must run in the family...Tiffany Hower also had that at birth...
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