Josiah Scott Kemp

Josiah Scott Kemp

Grandson #3 - Josiah Scott made his appearance into this world at 12:24 p.m. on November 16, 2009 (6 days before the due date). He weighed 7 lb., 7 oz. and was 20 1/2 inches long. His proud parents are Scott and Erin Kemp (our daughter). We praise God for this miracle of life, and for his giving us Josiah on loan. Erin was in labor for 31 hours. Josiah had a bilirubin problem for the first week, so had to be wrapped in a flexible fiber optic 'light blanket'. Both Erin and Josiah are doing fine now. So far, Isaiah is adjusting well to being a big brother.

Josiah was the talk of the hospital nursery (along with everyone who sees him) because of his hair. It is light brown with seemingly bleached tips! It is quite the hairdo - the surfer look- in Pennsylvania, no less!

The Scott Kemp family

Mission Conference - Oct. 18-26

We attended the mission conference at Lake Ridge Bible Church, Oct. 18-26. It was exciting to share what is happening in Guatemala, visit with friends, and also hear how the Lord is working in other parts of the world.

After the conference, Cindy's 93 yr. old aunt and her friend drove us to Tulsa to visit Cindy's parents. While there, we drove to Tahlequah, to see Ken's parents. Our time with them was way too short!

The first week of Nov., Ken flew back to Guatemala and Cindy flew to the Pittsburgh to await the arrival of grandson #3 - due Nov. 22.

October 6, 2008 Surprise Birthday Celebration

Yesterday we took Karen Roundtree from CAM-Dallas, to Panajachel and then to Patzún, so she could see the ministries there.

When we arrived in Patzún in the afternoon, I noticed that ladies from the church were there starting to prepare some food. I assumed that they were going to have a meal after the service, and offered to help them, as we always have fun talking and joking together. While I was making tamalitos, Dionisia asked me how old I was. I was surprised that she would ask since tomorrow was my birthday.

A few minutes later, the women called me into the church and presented me with a quipil and corte (typical blouse and skirt) from Alfa y Omega, Patzún. (Traditionally, the indigenous people have different typical dress according to where they live. The Patzún blouse (quipil) is made with a distinct, dark red, striped, hand-woven fabric with a design embroidered around the neck. The corte they gave me is the Alfa y Omega school uniform.) The women then proceeded to dress me in my new clothes. My tennis shoes were unacceptable for the over-all look! Fortunately I had another pair ready to wear to church. They would have liked to braid my hair, but that's obviously impossible! Afterwards, I went back to help finish making the tamalitos.

Making tamalitos (corn-meal masa boiled in leaves)

During the service (in which I was dressed as a 'pura Patzunera') they asked me to come up front and honored me by singing, "Happy Birthday" and everyone filed by and greeted me. Ken preached using Rom. 12:1-12 as his text. After the service, the women served their rendition of Chow Mein - a meal that I always request for them to make for visiting work groups, because it's something that most North Americans like. They think that this is my favorite meal! (It is good.) (I asked Ken if he knew anything about the celebration, and he did! One lady asked if it were a surprise to me, and I answered that it, in fact, was a very big surprise. I had no idea. It was a very special time, and I felt very loved.

We spent the night in Patzún, so this morning, I put my new quipil and corte on again. When a teenage girl arrived for school, I asked if she would help me tighten the belt, which is essential to holding the corte on. They are worn VERY tight. (There is quite an art to putting a corte on correctly. I haven't quite mastered it yet.) The women who saw me this morning were very pleased that I would wear the outfit again today. In fact, I'm sure I made the day for several Patzúneras. They love to see foreigners dressed like them.

Some of the women of Alfa y Omega (The wives of board members and leaders of the women's group have matching outfits. The embroidery on the blouses is different.)

Women crowding around Karen Roundtree to see the digital pictures she took.

The friend who wove and embroidered the quipil for me.

Sept 19, 2008 Eggs!

Have you ever tried mopping your floor with eggs? I don't recommend it! I just finished cleaning my kitchen floor unexpectedly. (Not that it didn't need it!) It all started about an hour ago when I was looking in the refrigerator for something to fix for lunch. I pulled out the sliding shelf where I keep the eggs. I guess I pulled a little too far, and all the eggs fell on the floor. Unfortunately, I had about 40-42 eggs! (I buy them in flats {2 flats come together, 30 eggs in each flat} and I had a full flat plus about a dozen more. ) Only 5 eggs survived the fall, and I was only able to salvage 14 to scramble. Needless to say, I think I'll have scrambled eggs for lunch! Of course, 14 are a little too many for one meal. Omelet anyone?
By the way, I don't recommend using eggs for room fresheners either! :(

Happy Anniversary

I forgot to announce that my parents celebrated their 63rd anniversary on Sept. 8. Congratulations, Mother and Daddy!!! Your 5 children, 18 grandchildren and so far 19 great grandchildren (!) love you very much. You are great examples to everyone.

Sept 10, 2008 Prayer for Erin

We talked with Erin tonight. She told us that she had unexpected minor foot surgery today. On Tues. one of her big toes started hurting and got worse during the day. She thought it would get better over night, but instead, got worse affecting the sole of her foot - so that it was hard to walk. She called around and found a doctor who would see her today. When she went in, the doctor said she had an infection and that it had abscessed and needed to be drained immediately. There were already signs of red streaks going up her foot. Thank the Lord, she went in when she did. The doctor called her OB and also had the head doctor come in and look at it. He agreed that it needed to be drained immediately. Erin is my child who is 'deathly' afraid of needles, so she broke out in a sweat, the shakes and dizziness. She said the doctor was very nice, asked several times if she should stop and let Erin relax, but Erin wanted it over with fast, so told her to keep on going. Afterwards, the doctor told her to sit there as long as she needed to, brought her something to drink, candy, etc., volunteered to call Scott, etc. etc. Erin had been at the church with Scott before going to the doctor, and Isaiah had fallen asleep, so Scott stayed with Isaiah, and Erin had driven (carefully) to the doctor herself. (They didn't realize it was so serious.) Someone dropped Scott off at the doctor's office so he was able to take Erin home. When we talked with her she had started the antibiotics, but her foot was still hurting quite a bit. Hopefully it will start feeling better tomorrow. The doctor wanted her to go back for a check up next week, but they are flying down to visit Scott's parents (and Drew and Rachel) on Monday. They will, of course, keep an eye on it. Again, we are so thankful that she was able to get in to see the doctor so soon. Please pray for her. (They don't know what caused the infection. She remembers being outside last week - with sandals on - and feeling something prick, sting or bite her foot. It wasn't bad, so didn't think anymore about it.)

September 5, 2008

Thank you for praying. Jayme arrived safely in Ireland on Monday, Sept. 1. She is living in a school apartment with three other international students from Norway, Canada and the U.S. Yesterday and today were long days spent in (a rather boring) orientation. She starts classes this coming Monday. (Sept. 8)
Here are a few pictures of her home for the next 3 1/2 months.

She lives in the two story apartment on the right side of this building. Her room is at the back (first floor) so you can't see her window.

Nice kitchen. The girls have to make their own meals, since there is no school cafeteria.

Small living room right by the dining area. Pictured is the girl from Norway.

Jayme's desk. Each bedroom is small, but because there is only one girl in each, they have adequate storage space.

August 31, 2008

Jayme is on her way to Ireland! She left Guatemala on Monday (Aug. 25) to fly to Pittsburgh to spend a few days with Erin, Scott and Isaiah before leaving for Ireland. Her friend James surprised her with a visit from Thurs. until today. Thanks James. She left Pittsburgh this afternoon and will arrive in Ireland tomorrow morning. Please pray for her in these next few months as she studies during the fall semester at the University of Limerick. Pray that she will find good friends and a good church to attend.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

We have been enjoyably busy with Jayme here for the summer. Also, our good friends, Colton and Susan - from Canada - came to visit for 10 days. We took them to the airport early this morning, and they are in the air returning home now as I type. Thanks guys, for coming to visit us. We really enjoyed having you here and spent some happy times together.

A note about the water meter. It still hasn't been installed. Ken changed his plans so that he could be here at home for the men to install the new meter. After waiting two days we had to go about our daily lives, and weren't here every minute. (We were told that it would be installed within 24 hours!) Ken will have to go to the water company and set up another appointment for the men to come. Hopefully they will arrive on time and install the meter correctly.

A friend from Dallas came down on a mission trip and stayed a few extra days to attend a Bible dedication here in Guatemala. Ken drove to the town of Nebaj (6-7 hours away) for the dedication of the New Testament in the Ixil, Indian language. How exciting that these people now have part of the Bible in the languge that they speak and understand.

Jayme, Ken and fellow missionary Steve Sywulka climbed the volcano Pacaya again. They didn't see the rivers of lava like they saw in December, but they still enjoyed their time and were able to see some interesting sights.

Back in July, a small group of 4 people came from Tulsa, to teach Bible in Patzún's Alfa y Omega school and in a public school in town. The classes were well received. Also, two of the men taught in special, evening meetings at the church. These classes were well attended, and the people have asked that the 'gringos' return. Lord willing they will. We praise the Lord for the Biblical truths that were taught that week. Sorry, but my pictures of the week didn't turn out very well.

August 6, 2008 The Water Meter Saga

Daily living in Guatemala can sometimes be a challenge, to say the least. Ken has been busy the last several days trying to get our water meter changed (mandated by the water company). He first made a trip to the water company offices to find out exactly what was needed. They told him the water meter to buy. He then went to the plumbing supply house to put in his order, but the person who has to register the meter number on the receipt was in a meeting until 4:30 p.m. Ken returned after 4:30, but she was still in the meeting. Someone called her out of the meeting; Ken paid the $50 for the meter, then she registered the meter number. By this time, it was too late to return to the water company, so he had to wait until today to go back there. This morning he took his meter and the receipt and went to the water company again, but the parking spaces were filled, so he returned home. A few hours later he headed back. When he arrived, he was asked for the receipt so they could check the registration number – to make sure his new meter was not stolen. We are now waiting for the water company workmen to show up at our house to install the new meter. We hope they come today like Ken was told. Who would have thought it would take so long, and so many trips to get a meter installed? (Sometime ask us about the plate, pin and screws Ken had to buy when I broke my leg!) Here’s the infamous meter.

August 1, 2008 Orchids

Last month I promised pictures of our orchids. Aren't they beautiful? Unfortunately, they have finished blooming for now, but I can still enjoy them by looking at the pictures.

Okay, okay. So these aren't orchids. They were in our yard earlier this year; I thought they were pretty and that you might enjoy them.

Jacobean Lily

Nazareño -(our version of Wisteria)


Pitaya Flower
Pitaya is a cactus we have growing on our wall. Here's a picture of the outside of the fruit, then the inside. It looks and tastes like kiwi. (Well, the color is obviously different!) We love it.

July 14, 2008


On the July 7th blog, I told about us setting off the two huge firecracker bombs in Patzún. Jayme filmed the explosion of the second bomb. Watch this to the end and enjoy!

July 13, 2008 Post #2 - The Caminata

Ken arrived home from Patzún last night. He had been there since Wednesday. Yesterday he went with about 40-45 people (all ages) from the church as they walked from Patzún to Iximche - a little over a two-hour walk. Iximche is the ancient capital of the Kakchiquel nation which is in ruins now. Here are pictures of the event. You can tell they had a good time. Wish Jayme and I could have gone.

Part of the walk was rather muddy.

Most of the women and girls donned pants and t-shirts for the day.
They usually wear their native dress.

Enjoying the ruins

Even the adults joined in the games.

Cooking lunch

Heating the tortillas

Yummy lunch

A time to talk with friends.

The ever-present soccer game

Jump rope anyone???

It was a long day. I think they're tired.

The ride back home in the backs of three trucks

Sunday, July 13, 2008 Post #1

Happy birthday to Keith S, Brock H. and Ron K. today, and of course, Daddy, your birthday is tomorrow. Happy 83rd!

Our church in the capital is emphasizing discipleship this year. Today was really exciting. Besides having the sermon on Jesus' example of discipling, we had 2 baby dedications, and 6 baptisms!!!

I also thought I would show you some of my flowers that have been blooming this spring and summer. They're beautiful.

I'll show my orchids soon!

July 7, 2008 HUGE Firecrackers

I hope all of you in the good ol' U.S.A. had a great time celebrating Independence Day this past weekend. Here in Guatemala of course, July 4th is just another day. Guatemalans LOVE to set off firecracker any day of the year - for birthdays, anniversaries, etc. -- or just because. (In years past, there were no pretty ones, but now especially on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, we can see a lot of pretty ones light up the sky.) Today Ken, Jayme and I were in Patzún. Ken and Jayme entertained the four interns and the church people by setting off two BIG 'bombas' (LARGE firecracker 'bombs' that each had a pound of gun powder in them.) They are the biggest ones we've seen. Anyway, they made a BIG boom and a BIG mess, but everyone enjoyed them. I think the interns won't forget today's excitement. If the pictures came out nicely, I'll post one. (Ken is still in Patzún, and he has the camera.)

June 21, 2008 Long time, no write!

Sorry that I haven't written in a while.

The last weekend in May, we went to beautiful Panajachel for a joint retreat with our two strategic teams - youth and AMDET (Auxiliary Ministries Development Team). We had a great time meeting and fellowshipping with fellow CAM missionaries here in Guatemala. I was put in charge of assigning different people to prepare the meals. Thanks to everyone, we had some good eating.
A few of the missionaries at the retreat

Tuesday, June 3, Ken and I went to our field council meeting. Then early on Wed., I flew to Baton Rouge, to help my sister Becky with preparations for her daughter's wedding. We had a busy two weeks, but it was great fun being with family and helping. My niece Lauren married Tyler Downing. She was a beautiful bride and they, a cute couple. I helped with the making of the cakes along with a lot of other things.

Here are the Johnson women who were able to attend the wedding (taken at the rehearsal dinner).

As you can see, Jayme was able to be there too. Drew and Rachel drove her to Birmingham so that she could ride to Baton Rouge with my sister Susie. This past Wednesday, she flew to Guatemala with me. She will be here until she goes to Ireland the end of August to study there for a semester. We are excited to have her here.

During the time I was in Baton Rouge, Ken kept the home fires burning. We have more interns this summer. Two girls stayed for a week and one for two weeks in Patzún. They installed the remaining windows in the newest classrooms at Alfa & Omega.

We have two more interns here for the rest of the summer.

June 12, Ken flew to the Pittsburgh area to attend a mission conference in Erin and Scott's church. The conference was great and he enjoyed it. He flew home last night (20th).

This past weekend - May 9-11

Friday I spent a lot of time in the kitchen. I made brownies and my mother's cabbage roll recipe. (My little kitchen gets HOT!) In the late afternoon we drove to Patzún to attend the Friday night service at Alfa & Omega. They had a special service for Mother's Day - one day ahead. (Mother's Day is always on May 10th here, no matter what day of the week it is.) We drove back home after the celebration was over, because we needed to be home for Saturday's events.

Saturday morning: began with fellow missionary Dave Ekstrom arriving a few minutes after 7:00 a.m. We had a meeting of the youth team here at our house from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. I served various refreshments.

Lunch: We had invited Paul and Ruth Philippi to eat with us. It was fun having them here. (I served the cabbage rolls along with other things.) Dave joined us.

Saturday afternoon: We had another meeting! This time with the AMDET team (Auxiliary Ministries Development Team). We met (here in our home) from 2:00 to 5:00. I served refreshments again.

Dave E. and Mike Stephenson ate a late supper with us (left-overs). Dave spent the night with us then Ken took him to the bus station on Sunday morning at 6:15.

Sunday morning: Church - another Mother's Day service. Mike S. ate lunch with us. Ken and I were both able to call our mothers! (We can't always get through, especially on special days.) Two of our kids were able to call me.

Sunday evening: We went to a small birthday celebration for Mike S. at the Steve Sywulka home and had a good time visiting with fellow missionaries.

We had a busy week-end, but enjoyed it!


Here is a picture of the CAMers who attended "Quest", April 20-25. (I mentioned it in my last blog.) Ken and I are on the back row, close to the middle, and Larry and Jayme (my sister and her husband) are in the front row, fifth and sixth from the left. We had a great time with friends (and family) made several new friends, and learned a lot.

April 2-29, 2008 - Busy Trip to the States

We left Guatemala on April 2, to travel to the States. My parents (Cindy) needed help with the flooring in their den. Jayme and her friend, James, came from Berea, Kentucky, during her Spring break to help. My parents are really happy with their new floor.

While in Tulsa, we visited with several people who are thinking about coming down on a work/evangelism team in Patzún this summer.

We were also able to visit Ken's parents in Tahlequah, and his brother Karl and wife Judy, who were visiting from Pennsylvania.the Spaugh & the Johnsons

For many years, we have had things stored in Dallas at Ken's parent's house. When they moved to Oklahoma, the things were moved to Ken's cousin's house. Then when he moved his family, the things were moved to CAM's facility. We needed to take them to our kids, so we borrowed Ken's parent's van and drove down to Dallas to pick the things up. We loaded them in the van, and left for Huntsville, Al, to take some of the things to Drew. We were able to stay with Drew, Rachel and Evan one day, then headed up to the Pittsburgh area to take things to Erin. One the way, we spent two hours (only two hours) :( with Jayme. We stayed one day with Erin, Scott and Isaiah, then headed back to Tulsa, by way of St. Louis, to see Ken's brother Keith and wife Janet. The whole trip was around 3000 miles, which we traveled in 6 days! It was quick and tiring, but we were glad that we were able to see 3 of our 4 kids, and had at least 24 hours with our two grandsons. (Minus naps and sleeping at night, of course.) We did miss getting to see Kyle, but California is a LONG way away and we just didn't have the time to go there. So sorry, Kyle.

Ken & Evan; Cindy & Isaiah

April 19, we went back to Texas to attend some meetings (called 'Quest') with other CAMers in Big Sandy. (April 20-25). We really enjoyed the interaction with other missionaries from different fields. It was a joy to have my sister Jayme and her husband Larry there too. We don't get to see each other very often, so we were glad to be together.

We were able to attend Lake Ridge Bible Church both April 20, and 27. I was also able to go to a ladies' brunch at Redeemer Bible Church yesterday morning (April 29) with my best friend, Charlane. John and Charlane were our gracious hosts the last four nights of our trip. We flew back to Guatemala last night.